Far Cry 3 - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 Review: The $400 Fight

Publish date: 2024-05-20

Far Cry 3

The next game in our benchmark suite is Far Cry 3, Ubisoft’s island-jungle action game. A lot like our other jungle game Crysis, Far Cry 3 can be quite tough on GPUs, especially with MSAA and improved alpha-to-coverage checking thrown into the mix. On the other hand it’s still a bit of a pig on the CPU side, and seemingly inexplicably we’ve found that it doesn’t play well with HyperThreading on our testbed, making this the only game we’ve ever had to disable HT for to maximize our framerates.

With Far Cry 3 we shift to a set of games that historically favor NVIDIA’s cards, and as it turns out benefit the GTX 770 to a pretty big degree. At 2560 we’re looking at a 13% advantage over the 7970GE, rising to 17% at 1920 without MSAA. The GTX 680 and GTX 570 are also summarily put in their place, with the GTX 770 gaining on them by 11% and 85% respectively.
