Battery Life - HTC Droid Incredible 2 Review
Battery Life
The Incredible 2's battery life is a mixed bag. Our 3G web browsing test paints the new Incredible as being decidedly middle-of-the-pack. At barely over 4 hours of continuous usage this is unfortunately average when it comes to modern Android smartphones. Some of the higher end Android phones like the Sensation and Atrix 4G are able to boast much better scores here but they are physically bigger.
Our talk time test actually has the new Incredible doing worse than its predecessor, although obviously we're comparing results across vastly different versions of Android. If you're the type to talk on the phone for hours in a day, the Incredible 2 may not be for you.
Turn off the 3G radio and transact data over WiFi and the Incredible 2 does much better. At 9.61 hours of continuous battery life the Incredible 2 is second only to Motorola's Atrix 4G in our tests, at least as far as Android phones are concerned. I have a number of friends that hardly use data on 3G because they're always using their phone at work over WiFi - they would be just fine with the Incredible 2.